Mould Causes and Treatment

by Ali |

Stop Mould in Its Tracks: Causes & Solutions

As we all navigate through the distinct climate of South-East Queensland, it’s hard not to notice the impact of our unique weather patterns. The combination of regular rainfall and high humidity, especially pronounced during the summer months, is something we’re all too familiar with. Amongst all South-East Queenslanders, it is common to find ourselves battling an unwelcome visitor: mould. Lately, it seems more and more people are reaching out to us, seeking assistance to remove and repaint areas affected by mould in their homes and commercial properties. This uptick in calls is a testament to the widespread challenge we all face in keeping our spaces mould-free. Recent continuous bouts of wet weather have exacerbated the situation, leaving surfaces perpetually damp and turning our homes and commercial properties into breeding grounds for these fungal intruders.


Understanding Mould:

Mould is a type of fungus that thrives in moist, warm conditions. It reproduces through tiny spores that travel through the air, attaching to surfaces where they can grow. Mould and mildew are not just unsightly; they can also cause significant damage to your property and potentially pose health risks, particularly to those with allergies, asthma, or compromised immune systems.

Common Causes of Mould:

Several factors contribute to the proliferation of mould within our environments:

  • Leaks in roofs or gutters
  • High humidity levels
  • Instances of flooding
  • The steam from hot showers
  • Using clothes dryers indoors without adequate ventilation
  • Poor overall ventilation
  • Continuous wet weather

Effective Treatment and Prevention:

Protective Measures:

Before embarking on mould removal, it’s crucial to wear protective equipment to avoid inhaling spores or coming into direct contact with mould.

Cleaning and Disinfection:

Begin by cleaning all affected surfaces thoroughly. Following cleaning, disinfect the area to kill the mould and its spores. A common solution involves the use of mould killers or bleach-based cleaning solutions. Oil of cloves is also well known for its ability to kill mould spores on hard surfaces. To use the oil, dilute ¼ teaspoon of oil of cloves in 1 litre of water (use sparingly- this amount should last 1 year for a whole house). Spray this solution lightly on affected areas, allowing it to sit for 20 minutes before wiping away any residue. However, whenever addressing mould with any product, remember to use caution, as it must be diluted properly to avoid damaging and discolouring surfaces. With any product, patch test first in a hidden area to ensure the product won’t damage or discolour the surface. Also always make sure to read the product and warnings carefully, as many mould killing products can be harmful to humans and pets.

Anti-Mould Sprays:

For a quick and effective solution, consider using anti-mould sprays available in the market, including those formulated for delicate surfaces. These sprays are designed to target mould at its root, preventing regrowth. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

Addressing the Root Cause:

Merely cleaning up mould is a temporary fix if the underlying issues are not addressed. Ensure your property is well-ventilated, fix any leaks, and consider using dehumidifiers in particularly damp areas to reduce humidity levels.

Detailed Cleaning Techniques:

For hard-to-reach areas, such as grout, spraying the area and then using an old toothbrush to access the small areas can be particularly effective. This method allows for targeted cleaning and removal of mould from the crevices where it commonly hides.

Repair and Repaint:

After treating the mould, it may be necessary to repair and repaint affected areas. Use antimould paints specially formulated to resist mould growth, ensuring your property remains protected for longer.


How Rochele Can Assist:

For minor mould outbreaks, Rochele is equipped to clean, treat, and repair affected areas as part of our comprehensive painting services. To book in a free quote with us, please contact us on 1300 808 164.

In cases of severe infestation, we recommend consulting with a mould specialist to ensure thorough treatment before any painting begins. It’s vital to address mould and mildew swiftly, not only to protect your property but also to safeguard your health.
